Monday, February 23, 2009

Outer War, Inner Peace

"It is like a war zone in here," said a friend who is struggling to live authentically, centered in her sense of direct connection to God.

"Yes. And that is why it is a war zone out there," I instantly responded. Then I had to stop and think what I meant.

To live authentically from one's center means being present to every pain that arises without trying to fix, suppress or anesthetize the hurt. And that requires the practice of opening old wounds and being to the pain as it processes through. Watching what comes up and letting what comes come. Acknowledging that what is, is.

And maybe ('though I'm pretty sure of this) all the wars - from the dysfunctional family, tiptoeing warily around each other until the next insignificant event triggers an explosion, to international fights that burn and crush millions - maybe all are the outer, physical expression of unresolved, inner battles. Physical, worldly conflicts arise, creating huge suffering, because so many people refuse to do their own, inner work. Because so many choose instead to push pain away with various means of numbing, distracting and justifying.

So we fight wars... just to avoid being with our own pain.

As so many spiritual teachers say, "If you want world peace and an end to suffering, do your inner work."

And maybe this is true because the physical universe, along with all of us humans, is a single energy field. If we are ALL inseparable parts of one whole, it is a contradiction to say you want peace while concentrating on outward displays of anger at those you believe caused the conflict - much less physically fighting them. That is like standing in a stormy sea throwing rocks at the waves while shouting "CALM DOWN."

It only riles things up more.

Yet if just one molecule of the water became calm for even a moment, the overall calm of the whole would go up.

Because the universe is a single field, if and when, for a moment or a day, any one of us breaks through our shit to rest in inner peace, the peacefulness quotient of the whole universe goes up.

Dogen Zenji said,

"To study the Way is to study the self.
To study the self is to forget the self.
To forget the self is to be enlightened by all things.
To be enlightened by all things is to remove the barrier between one's self and others."

When what was perceived as "other" becomes perceived as "self," lashing out in anger makes no more sense then dropping napalm on your toe as punishment for it hurting you after it stubbed itself.

* * * * * * *


  1. perfect, Perfect, PERFECT!

    so utterly perfect- and so simple really!

    why does this notion that "one molecule of peace" will change the whole field- why does this get washed away?

    so easily does it get washed away by our insistences and our sufferings- our "what about me" thoughts that pervade everything we touch... how can something so simple, that we are utterly connected- indeed, not-separate at all! and so, a change within WILL BE a change without- how does this get so easily washed away? (in our efforts to "perfect"- to have "more")

    what will see the end of our "not enough"?

    THAT is what will end war, clearly!

    yet we continue to look for something "out there" to do it first, so that THEN we can have it for ourselves- COMPLETELY missing that this is just more of the "what about me"!

    you have put this state of the human condition perfectly Elena-
    thank you!

  2. You are more than welcome,Tom.

    'Though I gotta admit, I have no clue as to the why of it all. But having touched that place of divine connectedness, I can only trust that this mystery is part of a larger pattern. And that, if I understood, even our terrible, human ignorance and the suffering we perpetrate out of our ignorance, would seem... well... part.

    Or as Jesus told Julian of Norwich in answer to the same question - with “complete tenderness, showing no manner of blame,” - “It is behoovely that there should be sin, but all shall be well, and all shall be well, and all manner of thing shall be well,”
